Web site under test: diapers.com
Web page under test: Gift Certificate page
URL of web page under test: http://bit.ly/D2c7j
Title: gift certificate image does not magnify
Date discovered: 5/23/09, 20:30hrs
This issue is seen in "all browsers."
This issue is seen regardless of whether or not user is logged in.
Note: When using client "Win XP SP2 / IE 7.0," a rectangular artifact appears below the mouse cursor when hovering the mouse cursor over the main image.
All three tests listed below fail.
Test details:
Summary: Rollover image to magnify
1) Navigate to the Gift Certificate page
2) Rollover the main image, located in the upper left hand corner of the page, in order to magnify the main image
3) FAILED: => The main image shall magnify
4) Click on the "Larger Image" icon, located directly below the main image, in order to magnify the main image
5) => The main image shall magnify
6) Rollover the "small" image, located in the LOWER left hand corner of the page and which represents the main image, in order to magnify the main image
7) => The main image shall magnify
Link to test case: http://bit.ly/xvgcK
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